This year’s Asia POP ComiCon is huge! There’s tons of things to see and do, and the lines for the Jollibee Funko Pop aside, one of the most interactive exhibits in this con is definitely the Netflix booth, or Hall N.
The big difference from last year’s Hall N to this year’s is the accessibility; there’s no more queuing! That said, every can just slip in and out of Hall N without the hassle, allowing more people to look into what’s going on with the booth before committing to go in.
This year’s theme is Iron Fist and Luke Cage, with both show’s motifs greeting con-goers as they enter Hall N. A lot of the props and locales from Iron Fist are present, and there are a lot of photo opportunities for everyone! You can even get a temporary tattoo of the dragon at the tattoo parlor for maximum chi!
A quick walk away from the entrance is Pop’s Diner, which first appeared in last year’s Hall N. There may not be milkshakes this time around, but Josie and the Pussycats are live on stage every hour to belt out a few of their hits for the crowd. Pop must’ve been raking in the dough from Riverdale’s success, because having a band perform on the hour isn’t cheap!
In front of Pop’s is the arcade, a pretty important set piece from Stranger Things. Here, you can check out the arcade cabs for a game or two, or contribute to the wall decor, as the Netflix staff hand out paper and art materials for you to use.
At one of the back walls of Hall N is a little fun social experiment. People are asked (freely, of course) to run a piece of string to the answers from the questions at the top. Their answers come in the form of shows (at the left side of the board) and to more specific answers underneath the questions. It’s a little hard to describe, but hey, you still have one day to try it out for yourself!
And finally, Hall N rounds everything up with everyone’s favorite metal red panda, Aggretsuko! Here you can pose with the different characters from the show (Fenneko is a favorite) and you can even get your face painted by a professional make up artist to how Retsuko looks when she’s shredding the heavy metal karaoke songs! It’s definitely an experience, so if you don’t mind walking around with a bit of facepaint, then this section of Hall N is for you.
And that’s it for the Hall N tour! It’s always a treat for show fans and most especially kids! Two of the shows we’d really like to have an interactive exhibits of would be Star Trek: Discovery and Castlevania! A replica of the Discovery’s bridge or spore drive, plus Castle Dracula’s throne room would be super awesome to pose in for photos, or just play around with!