AMD will share the stage with leading game developers to showcase the future of graphics & processor technologies at this year’s Game Developer Conference.
Read moreA new Overwatch lore character, Efi Oladele, has been revealed by the official Overwatch Twitter. Could she be the next hero of Overwatch? If not, then could she be connected somehow?
Read moreGuerilla Games, makers of the Killzone franchise, is back with a new game that blew us away! Get that bow ready to hunt robot-dinosaur hybrids of the future in Horizon Zero Dawn.
Read moreBIOSTAR has announced their new RACING line of motherboards with support for the upcoming AMD RYZEN. The lineup consists of the X370GT7, X370GT5, and X370GT3 motherboards.
Read moreASUS has revealed their new PC gaming products, including their three Kaby Lake motherboard lines, a high refresh rate and a curved display, and ROG gaming peripherals.
Read moreFinal Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age will be released in Philippines on 13 July, exclusively for the PS4
Sony has announced that the English version of the PlayStation®4 title, FINAL FANTASY® XII THE ZODIAC AGE will be released in the Philippines on July 13, 2017. The game is a high-definition remaster of the PS2 tile, Final Fantasy XII.
Read moreAcer has launched their monstrous Predator 21 X gaming laptop at High Grounds Cafe last February 8. The TNC-powered gaming cafe also had its grand opening on that day, and it’s the first Predator branded and GeForce certified gaming cafe in the country.
Read moreOverwatch’s PTR has just been updated! The update includes a new Server Browser for custom games, along with hero and map balance changes, the biggest of which is Bastion’s rework.
Read moreTired of draws and losses when playing Overwatch’s Capture the Rooster while solo-queued? Try playing these heroes when you’re solo-queued, they’re great for the CTF brawl.
Read moreAMD has released the Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.2, adding support for games such as Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Beta, and fixing several game issues.
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