The annual Liyue-focused event in Genshin Impact called the Lantern Rite is once again in full swing. Coinciding with the real-life Lunar New Year celebrated in many Asian countries, this event focuses on Liyue’s own big celebration and as such, characters originating in the said country are the stars of the show. One example is the Prosperous Partnerships event, where you get a free 4 Star pull from the Liyue cast of characters!
Once players complete the requirements, they can pull any of the Liyue-based 4 Star characters, as was the tradition. But with so many to choose from, who is the best pick?

The Best Liyue Free 4 Star Character To Get: Short Answer
The best free 4 Star to pull is whoever you want, really. Most players will want their 4 Star waifu (for us it’s Ningguang) or husbando, but it’s whoever you don’t have. Yun Jin is in the lineup for this year so if you managed to miss her during her introductory banner, you may want to pick her to complete your collection.
Best Liyue Free 4 Star Pickup: Meta
When it comes to meta picks, choosing your free 4 Star pickup gets complicated. As we all know, characters become more powerful when you unlock their constellations. If you’ve been playing the game for a few months, then you may have already pulled most of the Liyue 4 Star characters, so it’s not an issue of unlocking them anymore. It now becomes an issue of unlocking constellations.
Before you go through the list of priority free 4 star characters, do note that we’ve ranked them based on how useful they are in your team no matter what content you are doing. It’s also worth noting that building these characters according to priority is recommended. Here is our list of useful characters and your target constellations for each of them so you can use your free pickup wisely.

Xiangling C4 or Xingqui C6
Xiangling gets even more powerful when you unlock her 4th constellation, allowing you to have increased uptime on her Pyronado Burst. Her pyro element is one half of a Vaporize elemental reaction, one of the strongest reactions in the game. Players get Xiangling as a reward for completing Floor 3 of the Spiral Abyss, and has appeared on character banners multiple times in the past so getting her as your free 4 star in this event is definitely worthwhile.
The other priority character is Xingqui’s complete constellations. This character provides high off-field DPS and a way for you to trigger Vaporize. One of the best 4 Stars in the game, Xingqui gives great support through his small heals and damage mitigation, while boosting your team’s overall damage output. Xingqui is a mainstay in many popular Abyss teams, and is also part of the National Team, a very strong and relatively easy to build group composed of the strong 4 Stars in the game.
Beidou C2
Due to the release of characters like Yoimiya and Raiden Shogun, many players have realized the power Beidou offers to the team. In addition to her Skill that gives her a parry ability, allowing her to block and deal massive amounts of damage at the same time, her 2nd constellation allows the lightning that zaps enemies from her Burst to arc to up to two more enemies per second is great against mobs. Should you have Hydro characters in your team, having Beidou as your free 4 star pickup isn’t such a bad idea, especially with Yae Miko’s banner just around the corner.

Ningguang C6 or Yanfei C4
While most will say that even Ningguang’s 2nd constellation is good enough to get her online, it really doesn’t do much for her burst DPS nor her total damage output potential. That’s why if players do decide to invest in her, our recommendation is to get her to C6 as soon as possible. If you fell short on her constellations during the previous Xiao and Shen He banners, then this might be a worthwhile pickup only if you already have her five previous constellations unlocked.
A shielder Yanfei support became popular quite recently. It involves having her 4th constellation unlocked, which provides a shield based on 45% of Yanfei’s max HP for 15 seconds after using her Elemental Burst. Together with either the Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers catalyst or the Prototype Amber, this Yanfei build offers a good deal of protection for your main DPS and can easily give Pyro resonance to the team should you need it.
Chongyun C2 or Yun Jin C2
Chongyun’s second constellation allows cooldown reduction for any Skill or Burst cast within his Elemental Skill’s area of effect. This can help with Burst uptime and management for the rest of your team, and Chongyun has been seeing action again in team compositions with Shen He plus another Cryo main DPS (either Ganyu or Ayaka) and a Hydro enabler (like Barbara, Mona, or Kokomi) that offers high sustained damage and even higher burst damage off of a Freeze combo.
The newest Liyue 4 Star, Yun Jin, is also on the free pickup list and she has great synergy with main DPS characters who value normal attacks like Yoimiya, Eula, and Razor. Her second constellation allows your DPS characters to have 15% increased normal attack damage on top of what she already gives as a bonus when her Burst is triggered. If you pulled on her banner and can unlock her sixth constellation, all the better. Her C6 gives increased attack speed for your main DPS, a very rare ability in the game, but one that will greatly benefit your team.
Xinyan C2
While Xinyan isn’t exactly meta, she can still be very powerful. Her key constellation should you choose her as your pickup is her second, allowing her a guaranteed critical hit as well as giving your team her level 3 shield. She works well in teams that also have physical attackers like Eula and Razor, as well as teams that need a shield breaker thanks to her greatsword.
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